Jeff Dungan
ADE and currently serves as the ES Technology Coach at Shanghai American School-Puxi Campus.
Craig is a New Zealand born educator with over 10 years experience both in the classroom and in leadership. He is an enthusiastic, 21st century change agent that is passionate about every aspect of education and making a difference. Craig is now based in Singapore and is Middle School Design and Innovation specialist at Stamford American International School in Singapore.
Craig is well known for his dedication to education through Social Media. He is a professional development speaker whose workshops, seminars, and keynotes not only motivate and inspire educators, but also help them develop practical and creative ways of implementing ideas into classroom practice.
Craig is a Google Certified Teacher and has a Bachelor of Teaching and Learning and a Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership and Administration. He was rewarded in 2010 as one of only three teachers in New Zealand by being invited to the NZ Leadership Institution Young Leaders Programme. He is a leading change agent, being involved in the makeover of several schools ICT hardware and programmes, with particular focus on pedagogy to support curriculum integration of technology.
Craig is the co-founder and moderator of the trending twitter ed-chat #whatisschool. The goals of #whatisschool are simple, to give educators a space to express an unbiased response to questions about schooling, where educators have a voice in shaping the future through their experiences, recommendations and interests.#whatisschool is quickly becoming one of the most talked about chats on twitter. Make sure you join Craig every Thursday 7pm EDT (Friday 9am AEST).
Craig specialises in global connections, creating enjoyable and engaging learning experiences for students, social media in education, educational technology, inspiring and motivating staff, integrating technology and innovation in education. He is available for speaking engagements both in person and via Skype/Google Hangouts – Please click here for more information.
Becoming a Globally Connected Educator, From Lone Wolf to Hunting with the Pack
Are you an educator that has not explored social media for professional development or have opened an account but are not sure where to get started? Or maybe you just want to take a fresh look at the way you learn and engage with the education world?
Join International Educator and leader Craig Kemp as he shares his story of becoming a globally connected educator and helps you go from lone wolf to hunting with the pack. Learn about Twitter & twitter chats, Google Plus, Hangouts, Skype for Education, Mystery Location and more.
This is a hands on workshop where Craig shares ideas and stories, we connect with experts via hangouts and Skype, create twitter accounts, create Skype for education accounts and have a go at a Mystery Location.
You will leave this session with a online personal learning network and practical strategies on how to integrate social media into your professional development toolkit.
Suitable for educators from Pre-K – High School who are looking to get started with social media for education
For more information about Craig please see
Listen to Craig on 21CLRadio