
Pechakucha: Toolkit for Multilingual Learner Support

In this dynamic and engaging workshop, educators will explore innovative strategies to support and empower multilingual learners in diverse classroom settings.

Upcoming Live Session
A Deeper Dive into Strategic Design for Wellbeing

This interactive workshop, led by The Wellbeing Distillery founders – David Bott and Justin Robinson – is a deeper exploration of the concepts covered in the Strategic Design for Wellbeing keynote presentation.

Wellness - School Wellness - Personal

Upcoming Live Session
Using Class Circles to Build Community

This session will provide a comprehensive overview of how to effectively implement class circles, offering a variety of strategies and topics to enrich your approach.

Learning Spaces Wellness - Personal

Upcoming Live Session
A Systems Approach to Individualized Learning within a Bilingual Education Context

In this presentation, we will give an overview of all the interlocking parts that combine to make our individualized approach to learning a unique experience within the Beijing bilingual school context.

Innovation in Education Pedagogy & Assessment ESL/Language Education/Translanguaging

Upcoming Live Session
Forging Resilient Leadership Teams: A Modern Approach to Dealing with Crisis and Change

This workshop introduces a new framework for building resilient teams that thrive amidst complexity and uncertainty.

Upcoming Live Session
More Than Just a Title Change: How to Transition from a Tech Integrator to a Tech Coach

The trend for a few years has been to change the title of a role from something like “Tech Integrator” to “Tech Coach” but how do you change your practice when working with teachers. What is the difference between the two roles? How can being a Tech Coach help begin to change the culture of tech usage in your school?

Education Technology

Upcoming Live Session
AI Turbo Formula -- Learning AI with Game

AI Turbo Formula is a racing game that combines AI elements.

Education Technology

Upcoming Live Session
Upcoming Live Session
Equipping Students with E21CC through Applied Learning Programme (IXORA) Anchored on Sustainable Living

In this workshop, 21CC Department members will share a spiral developmental approach that enables students to deepen 21st-century competencies (21CC) through the school's Applied Learning Programme, IXORA, anchored on sustainable living. Educators will learn strategies to foster key E21CC competencies, such as adaptive thinking, inventive thinking, and effective communication, using a school-based programme.

Upcoming Live Session