Ennis Johnson
With more than 10 years of production experience in graphics and music, Ennis is obsessed with creating and developing content for consumers. As he began teaching 5 years ago, he started off running at an incredible pace as he was nominated for teacher of the month in the first month of teaching. As the buzz began to circulate, district personnel began to frequently visit Ennis’s classroom to join in the experience. The district began to film various videos to showcase this unique teaching style that seemed to bridge the gap into the future of education. It was then he was nominated for teacher of the year, and to become apart of the Demo teacher program.
Fast forward to now, Ennis has taken on the challenge of becoming an international educator with the American School of Dubai to gain worldwide experience and knowledge in education. He has had the opportunity to travel the world to learn from different perspectives and cultures of the learning process. He now provides content to support fellow educators, programs, and schools through instructional design, technology integration, professional development, and curriculum development. He remains committed to igniting passion to engage learners to reach their full potential with 21st-century skills.