Wesley Imms
Dr Wesley Imms is an Associate Professor in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, a Director of the University of Melbourne’s Learning Environments Applied Research Network (LEaRN), and Director of LEaRN@MGSE. In these roles, he teaches into Masters and Doctoral programs on subjects that bridge curriculum and learning environments and conducts research projects working with individual schools through to whole education systems. He has authored approximately 100 scholarly papers, government and industry research reports and books on learning environments use and evaluation. He has secured over $13M in external funding for this research. He is currently principal supervisor to 7 PhD theses on learning environments, involving students from five countries and four Australian states. A/Prof Imms has been Lead Chief Investigator on Australian Research Council Linkage projects that are building an extensive evidence base on learning environment use, including the now finalized Evaluating 21st Century Learning Environments, and currently completing the significant Innovative Learning Environments and Teacher Change (ILETC) project. He is lead Chief Investigator on the significant Plans to Pedagogy project building teacher spatial competency skills in schools across Australia and New Zealand, and on the Innovative Learning Environments and Student Experience Scoping Study – a one-year exploratory study involving over 50 experts in 20 teams across 16 countries.