Designed to provoke educators and leaders to discuss, debate and wonder “What if?” and take time to re-imagine and plan for the future of education. It has been 14 years since the late Sir Ken Robinson inspired us to change education and move from traditional education models to those that honoured the students, creativity and thinking. In Sir Ken’s words, “The problem we continue to face is that we continue to meet the future by doing what we did in the past and so much of our current ‘ traditional’ practice goes against our beliefs and our values.” 14 years – and what changes have we seen? Surely it is time to honour our learners and pause to consider what education looks like, sounds like and feels like, in their context and for their future. Using a series of provocations, our participants will be invited to consider “what if” and use the design cycle to plan for possibilities and took a chance, were creative, brave, and collaborative. Towards the end of our time together, participants will form communities of inquiry, develop an OSCAR plan to share and inspire others to continue asking “What if…”
February 2025 - 21CLHK
Job Role Applicability:
- Personalized Learning
- Lower Elementary [Age 4 - 6]
- Upper Elementary [Age 8 - 10]
- Middle School [Age 11 - 13]
- High School [Age 14 - 17]