A choice of two thought provoking workshops for educational leaders, aspiring leaders, and instructional coaches which are highly relevent for the current moment in education. You can register for these even if you are not attending the main conference.


Leaders and Aspiring Leaders
Instructional Coaches


1 or 2 places $225
3 or 4 places:$175
5 or more: $150

Free Access

School Pass holders receive one free ticket for each of the workshops below + 10% off for additional participants 

Models of Educational Leadership & International Schools Leadership

A dive into theories of leadership and the application of leadership in International Schools

Part 1: Models of educational leadership

Leadership is a term that has come to be synonymous with success, power, money, even luxury. When we stop to unpick this perception, we find that this is generally associated with the world of business, perhaps even politics. This perception is very powerful, and extends into education in ways that may appear natural, but are in fact – not. 

This workshop deliberately steps away from these common assumptions about leadership and seeks for valid knowledge claims. It unpacks the phenomenon, looks at the various theoretical models of educational leadership and seeks to better understand the research on leadership in education, and what it is telling us. 

Part 2: International schools leadership

International schools exist in a rarefied place set between privilege, cosmopolitanism, and the bottom line. This workshop explores the nature of international schooling to then consider how leadership in this context functions; what is different about it from national forms of educational leadership and how does it generate change and influence. 

This session starts with a critical overview of international schools, to then look at the positive and negative change factors that make this form of leadership distinct. 


Dates & Times

Part 1: Friday 26 November 2021 @ 17:00 HK Time – 1.5 hours

Part 2: Friday 3 December 2021 @ 17:00 HK Time – 1.5 hours

Facilitated By

Dr. Alexander Gardner-McTaggart

Dr. Alexander Gardner-McTaggart

Lecturer in Education, University of Manchester

Alex researches and publishes on international education, its leadership and policy. Before joining Manchester, he was senior lecturer in leadership and acting Dean of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and prior to that a middle manager and teacher in an IB world school. His work seeks to better understand power in education, particularly in the international and autonomous contexts.