Sean Forde
Sean Forde, is the VS Tech Integration Coach at Chadwick International. Prior to his time at CI, he has also taught K-5 STEAM at the American School of Milan in Italy. He found his love for tech integration and global collaborations while teaching G1 and G2 in the remote Alaskan village of Russian Mission.
Sean has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and an MAEd in Media Design and Technology. His past projects have included Flat Stanley (emailed), video pen pals, Mystery Skype, virtual field trips, virtual read-alouds from around the world, and author visits over Skype. Sean is currently a Team Leader for the ISTE Global Collaboration PLN, an Edpuzzle Evil Genius and an Advisory Board Member for the Center for Interactive Learning (CILC) with a focus on global collaborations. He was the recipient of the 2017 ISTE IVC PLN Educator of the Year.
When he is not teaching, Sean loves to share his ideas and knowledge on global connections and projects through presenting at conferences, both in person and virtually around the world. As well as spending time with his wife Genise and daughter Tazmin & son Landon.