Are there policies or practices that you would like changed in your school, but you don’t feel your feedback or involvement would be welcome? Do you see opportunities to improve teaching, learning and/or student wellbeing, but don’t feel empowered to take initiative.
Classroom teachers, Counsellors, Librarians and other student contact roles are best positioned to: 1) Identify opportunities to positively influence teaching, learning and student wellbeing; 2) build consensus amongst peers to advocate for change; and 3) keep their peers motivated to realize the desired change.
This will be an interactive presentation where audience members will be asked to reflect on changes they would like to make in their school and use that desired change as a lens for understanding how to influence others in the absence of authority. I will also share my journey of capacity building educators to go beyond their remit to transformatively collaborate with colleagues; to be ChangeMakers.
March 2024 - 21CLHK
Job Role Applicability:
- Curriculum Director / Coordinator
- Art Teacher
- Chinese Language Teacher
- Counselor
- Drama Teacher
- English/Language Arts Teacher
- Humanities Teacher
- Teacher Librarian
- Mathematics Teacher
- Science / STEAM Teacher
- Social Studies Teacher
- Primary Teacher
- Early Childhood Teacher
- Physical Education Teacher
- Modern Foreign Language
- Design & Technology
- Technology Coach
- School Support Staff
- 21st Century Skills
- Global Collaboration
- Social Emotional Learning
- Lower Elementary [Age 4 - 6]
- Upper Elementary [Age 8 - 10]
- Middle School [Age 11 - 13]
- High School [Age 14 - 17]
- Higher Education [Age 18+]