What if one simple Google Form could solve some of the headaches associated with hybrid learning?
Imagine getting into the nitty gritty with a student about writing a claim, evidence, and reasoning paragraph or solving a quadratic equation, and then looking around you to see a bunch of hands raised and students with annoyed faces waiting for their turn to get your attention. Add on the online students pulling you in so many different directions that you have no idea who to help first.
This was exactly the scenario I wanted to avoid in my classroom, so I implemented a virtual queue system using a simple to create Google Form that let students raise their hands virtually whether they’re in the classroom or learning from another country.
In this presentation, I will go through the details of why your classroom needs a virtual queue, and exactly how to implement one yourself during this presentation. In addition, we will discuss the benefits of having your virtual queue data to use in meetings and parent teacher conferences.
(If possible, I could have audience participation in this by taking a volunteer and creating a virtual queue for them right on the spot.)
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November 2021
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