Technology Enhancing A Learners’ Journey Through Inquiry
– Students connect and extend their wonderings to outside the classroom to aquire and flexibly use complex knowledge
– Technology use in the classroom, reflecting on: choice of technological tool, collaboration with peers, dialougue with peers during the learning process, technology brordening audience opportunities outside of the classroom and around the world.
– What is inquiry?
– Each of these stages of inquiry, highlight a digital tool to support learning:
1. Tuning in: TedEd, Visible Thinking, brainstorm templates (variety of applications)
2. Finding out: Forms to gather input (Google and Microsoft), Kiddle for younger students and Search Coach in Microsoft Teams.
3. Sorting out: Using data from surveys created.
4. Taking Action: Create new content to share leanring, including model making, website design, connecting international organisations.
– Concluding Technology Enhancing A Learners’ Journey Through Inquiry with reflection on technology as a tool to facilitate student agency.
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Job Role Applicability:
- School Leader
- Technology Director
- Curriculum Director / Coordinator
- Director of Professional Development
- Science / STEAM Teacher
- Primary Teacher
- School Support Staff
- Maker Education
- 21st Century Skills
- Computational Thinking
- Digital Citizenship
- Professional Learning
- Upper Elementary [Age 8 - 10]
- Middle School [Age 11 - 13]