How did we end up with a device in every pocket, a screen in every hand? How did childhood change from a time of relative freedom, to a period of electronic tethering? This presentation invites you to rethink the story of digital technology, and to ponder how we came to build a global machine that eats childhood. Led by Ross Parker, educator and technologist, and based on research, professional experience and personal anecdote, it raises questions around how we choose to raise and educate our young, and points to ways to live better in an age of ubiquitous devices.
Participants will leave with a clear intellectual framework from which to consider screens and their impact on our young, as well as a series of anecdotes and theories through which they can share this understanding within their own schools.
Online Streaming
Job Role Applicability:
- School Leader
- Technology Director
- Curriculum Director / Coordinator
- Head of School/Director
- Director of Professional Development
- Board Member
- Art Teacher
- Chinese Language Teacher
- Counselor
- Drama Teacher
- English/Language Arts Teacher
- Humanities Teacher
- Learning Specialist
- Teacher Librarian
- Mathematics Teacher
- Science / STEAM Teacher
- Social Studies Teacher
- Primary Teacher
- Early Childhood Teacher
- Physical Education Teacher
- Modern Foreign Language
- Design & Technology
- Technology Coach
- 21st Century Skills
- Health & Physical Education
- Digital Citizenship
- Professional Learning
- Social Emotional Learning
- Lower Elementary [Age 4 - 6]
- Upper Elementary [Age 8 - 10]
- Middle School [Age 11 - 13]
- High School [Age 14 - 17]
- Higher Education [Age 18+]