In order to “teach for social justice” one must first be able to read for social justice. This session will push participants to reimagine the idea of reading as an act of resistance, hope, and transformation. Given the “widespread public eruption of racist, sexist, and hate speech of all kinds” (Darling-Hammond, 2017, pp. 134-135), it becomes more imperative than ever for librarians, teachers, educators to be distinctly aware of narratives that powerfully reveal institutionalized forms of oppression, intersectionality, and prejudice. The workshop will provide opportunities for participants to discuss diverse picturebooks that allow spaces for cognitive disequilibrium (Szecsi, Spill,an. Vasquez-Montilla, & Mayberry, 2010) leading to the emergence of more pluralistic approaches, transformative experiences, and embracive pedagogies.
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January 2021
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