The MakerBit system is actually 3 distinct parts, and they can even be used separately from one another.
The first part of the system is the MakerBit board, which is basically just a bridge between the digital world of the micro:bit and digital media, and the physical world of sensors, actuators, and student projects.
For “smart car” robotics projects, and advanced experimentation and invention, the MakerBit+R board provides the most versatile and efficient platform for the micro:bit available.
On the micro:bit is the MakerBit Program which recognizes the 12 touch sensors of the MakerBit board.
The MakerBit Media Linker app is the 3rd part, and interconnects digital media on a Chromebook, Mac or Windows device running the Chrome browser, with a physical project.

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January 2021
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