Making big decisions and really inclusive plans for your school’s future is a delicate process, and all too often it’s one that educators struggle with. It can be difficult to engage and hear all voices in the room, to make tradition earn its place in balance with innovation, and to ensure that everyone walks away with a rich, common understanding and sense of involvement.
How can we do it better?
Play! We trust it to help our littlest learners to make sense of their world, and it holds that same power for adults making sense of theirs.
When we bring people together over LEGO Serious Play, we use the LEGO bricks as the common language for creative expression to awaken your team’s latent creativity, embrace complexity, communicate deeply, and really understand each other.
It’s a world-renowned process for facilitating important conversations between individuals or in groups, with deep roots in constructivist & constructionist learning, the psychology of flow, and neuroscience. Devising strategy is its home turf, and over many years it’s broadened its horizons to find a home in coaching & mentoring, culture, experience design, and even job interviews.
It’s highly engaging, an amazing way to bring people together, and it also happens to be great fun.
You’ve got a school full of smart people, so the solutions to your challenges are in the room. LEGO Serious Play offers us a way to get those ideas out of individual heads and on to the table where they can be tested, improved upon, and played with.
In this workshop you’ll experience a whirlwind, hands-on introduction to the method, its potential, and the incredible depth of conversation it’s so good at generating.
You’ll walk away from this session with two things.
First, you’ll get to have a hands-on experience of using the LEGO Serious Play method to grapple with some of the big challenges facing your profession.
Second (and most importantly), you’ll take away some insights on how you might activate and make the most of all of the creative potential in your school through authentic, courageous communication surrounding the big decisions.
(You’ll also have a lot of fun.)
February 2025 - 21CLHK
Job Role Applicability: