Self-navigation is a skill all students and professionals need today. Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Marie Alcock list it as a characteristic of a contemporary learner. Ok, but how do we actually teach it? How do we improve our performance in this area? This session begins with the story of a learning target and how it is the key to effective self navigation. Marie Alcock will share the techniques from her book The Quest for Learning: Maximizing student engagement (2017) and how to actually design learning experiences to teach self navigation. Thus, promoting student ownership and overtly teach students to navigate their own learning.
Objectives and Outcomes:
The Three Selfies (self-motivation, self-regulation, self-assessment)
Review learning targets and their role in teaching self-navigation
Role of metacognition
Overview of learning strategies (brain-based)
Explore a tool/template to support this work

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January 2021
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