Our team, the Future Ready Collaborative, is a team that is creating “tech progressions” based on the DQ Global Standards that are broken down into key developmental milestones. The only catch is that we need your help to do this! We are looking for collaborators to help us make EdTech standards something that everyone can achieve around the world. Come to our session and hear about the work we’ve been doing and how you can join our community and create something all schools can benefit from: a toolkit for teachers of specific and measurable tech skills.
March 2024 - 21CLHK
Job Role Applicability:
- Technology Director
- Curriculum Director / Coordinator
- Technology Coach
- 21st Century Skills
- Coaching
- Design & Technology
- Emergent Technology
- Digital Citizenship
- Personalized Learning
- Lower Elementary [Age 4 - 6]
- Upper Elementary [Age 8 - 10]
- Middle School [Age 11 - 13]
- High School [Age 14 - 17]
- Higher Education [Age 18+]