Do current happiness education approaches undermine wellbeing and in particular the crucial and ancient elements of a Eudaimonic approach (meaning, purpose, personal growth, authenticity)? Drawing on 16 years of diverse education experience, combined with 5 years of research, Andrea will discuss our current wellbeing paradox, share her wellbeing theory Eudaimonic Education® and suggest we can no longer talk about wellbeing separate to sustainability.
Andrea will break down the essential and missing element in many wellbeing approaches, the fundamental things learners need to learn and how we can design for learning that creates thriving people, thriving schools and a thriving planet.
May 2023 - 21CLBKK
Job Role Applicability:
- Board Member
- Curriculum Director / Coordinator
- Director of Professional Development
- Head of School/Director
- Any Educator
- Social Emotional Learning
- Lower Elementary [Age 4 - 6]
- Upper Elementary [Age 8 - 10]
- Middle School [Age 11 - 13]
- High School [Age 14 - 17]
- Higher Education [Age 18+]