App smashing is the process of using multiple apps in conjunction with one another to complete a final task or project. (Kulowiec, 2013) Addressing the objective of innovative technologies in education, this presentation proposal will showcase the use of three different TEACHnology tools: Edpuzzle, Quizizz, and Wakelet – from creation of video lessons, promoting interactive engagement with content and students, to delivery of the content to learners. These TEACHnology tools can help create engaging lessons and projects to students which will definitely spark engagement at the same time making them accountable for their learning. Video lesson creation will be done through Edpuzzle, a platform where teachers can edit, annotate and embed their questions within the videos; Quizizz gamifies the lessons and supports student engagement; and Wakelet will serve as the repository for the video lessons and materials curated by the teachers which can be easily shared to the learners. These TEACHnology tools will promote synergy and seamless integration towards creating quality, interactive and meaningful lessons while keeping the students engaged and active.

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November 2021
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