Responding to and Preparing for Book Challenges in an International School Context

Challenges to books are on the rise around the world but among international school librarians the conversation is often driven by North American institutions, laws, and norms. How can we learn from these organizations and their resources while still keeping our own unique contexts, countries, and cultures in mind? Learn how to protect and empower yourself and your library through sharing expertise, building strong policies and communities, and expanding your understanding of intellectual freedom in the international school context. Participants will work together to strengthen their existing policies and procedures and will engage with case studies to help hone their responses to book challenges from within their communities.

Jen Clark, Canadian Academy

Jen Clark (she/her) is a second-generation international school teacher and is currently serving as the Head of Educational Technology and Head Librarian at Canadian Academy in Kobe, Japan after over 15 years spent living and teaching in India, Ukraine, and Saudi Arabia. Throughout her career she has had the opportunity to develop policies and systems that empower students and teachers to be their best selves and encourages them to make intentional and informed decisions about how they engage with digital tools, media, and each other. Jen is passionate about information literacy, digital equity and accessibility, and LGBTQ+ liberation. You can often find her browsing the shelves of the local grocery store and/or library.