The ISTE Certification for Educators is a rigorous professional certification aimed at ambitious educators and coaches and school leaders who are ready to step up to the challenge of taking their professional practice around the use of education technology to the next level.

This is the first qualification of its kind and has been developed to be of great value, irrespective of the curriculum model used in a school.

This unique certification is based on the ISTE Standards for Educators and is designed to support practitioners in moving systems from vision to practice. It does this by preparing participants to rethink and redesign learning activities with technology so as to engage students in real-world authentic and active learning.

The vendor- and device-neutral ISTE Certification for Educators training/professional development program focuses content and learning activities on all seven ISTE educator standards, with a special emphasis on the instructional indicators within the standards

Vendor Neutral, Learning Centered

21CLHK12 Preconference (Limited Spaces Available) 

9-10 September 2020

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®) is a nonprofit organization that works with the global education community to accelerate the use of technology to solve tough problems and inspire innovation.

The ISTE standards for students, educators and education leaders are considered to be the global gold standard for setting the direction of technology use in schools, and education systems.

21st Century Learning has been selected by ISTE to be an authorized provider of the ISTE Certification for Educators because of our commitment to high quality edtech professional learning and for using the ISTE Standards as a guide for transforming teaching and learning.

Steps to becoming an ISTE Certified Educator

Download Sample Curriculium

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Why is it relevant to me?

This credential recognizes educators who understand how to use edtech for learning in meaningful and transformative ways.

Focused on Pedagogy. Based on the ISTE Standards.
ISTE is focused on pedagogy, not tools. It’s not about edtech per se, it’s about what you do with the technology to transform learning and improve student outcomes.
Classroom Educators, Coaches and Library Media Specialists
ISTE Certification helps build an educator’s professional profile and provides a digital credential to demonstrate mastery and earn recognition for his or her work in the application of the ISTE Standards, which define what it means to be a 21st century educator using technology to transform learning.
School & District Leaders
provides education leaders with a way to identify a school or district’s educators who are leading the way with digital age teaching practices and demonstrates to leaders those who have the initiative, drive and skills needed to transform, personalize and empower learning in the classroom and school. It also offers a way to recognize and support educators who are focused on growth.

Benefits to Becoming an ISTE Certified Educator

  • Earn

    Up to two graduate credits

  • Community

    Become part of the ISTE Certified Educator community

  • Networking

    Join ISTE Certified Educator meetups at the 21CLHK and ISTE conferences

  • Identification

    Identify yourself with the ISTE Certified Educator email signature and digital badges

  • Professional Status

    Enhance your professional status and employability