At the conference, you have the opportunity to book a free coaching session during one of the workshop slots with our partner coaches from The Bright Side. Individuals can book a 25-minute session or a group of staff from the same school can book a 55-minute group coaching session. Use this link to sign up now or sign up on the spot at the conference.
Coaching is a conversation that gives you a non-judgemental thinking space. The coach asks you incisive questions and listens attentively to empower you to see different perspectives and gain insight. For a group of staff from the same school, we will facilitate group coaching that will help you generate ideas and use the group’s wisdom to move everyone’s thinking forward towards a collective goal.
The Bright Side empowers schools in Asia to transform every conversation and relationship by providing inspiring leadership, communication, and coach training, alongside impactful coaching.
It will enhance your conference experience to have an opportunity to process, reflect, and transform your thinking with a coaching session. Sign up here!